Strings of Errors


Imagine taking a stroll in the woods surrounded by the pure magnificence of nature and the full embrace of the forest towering above you as the ambient wild scents of nature gently caress your face, and the trees above you dance to the sway of the wind and the fine tunes of chirping birds. Imagine meeting new people and leaving an infectious mark of charm and cheer that will forever stay in their hearts. Imagine a life full of countless pursuits of adventure, happiness and thrill. One where you’ll never live to regret the good, the bad and the ugly of your past because you know life is an endless strings of errors meant to be conquered. It is upon this blueprint that we composed our exotic blends of perfumes; designed to attract hearts and stun souls.

Strings of Errors is not just about mesmerizing scents and intriguing aromas. It is also about first impressions, lasting recollections and the magical feeling that comes with wearing our unique and preciously crafted collection. Derived from some of the rarest and purest natural ingredients from across the oudh producing world, the fragrances culminate into rich, diverse scents that deliver luxury, opulence and esteem.

Strings of Errors indulges the soul and ignites the spirit. It is a collection for adventurers and thrill seekers. One for those who dare to defy the odds and take on the world, as well as those who are just here for fond memories, passionate connections and a life forever lived on the bright side. Every whiff inspires a renewed sense of self and emboldens one to embrace their true authentic self. Engulfed in its pure fervent scents, sorrows turn into cheers and bad days into eventful occurrences to be reminisced with love and cheers.

Capped at just a handful bottles per scent, our limited production ensures that each and every piece in our collection is composed with uniqueness, authenticity and character in mind – so as to let you stand out in your world like the main character that you are.

“Strings of Errors is to blissful living, soul searching, and thrill seeking. It is to merry making, rule breaking and bound pushing. Our skillfully blended fragrances culminate into an odyssey of scents that inspire chance encounters, random adventures and everlasting connections”.